Friday, 15 August 2014

I for Ikat

Hey everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long since i've posted i just haven't seemed to get around to it. For the letter I i thought a few designs that i could do on my nails but as recently i've seen lots of ikat nails and haven't had a go at them myself i decided to do ikat nails. They were really easy to do, especially as they don't need to be particularly neat or uniformed. To begin with, i painted all my nails two coats of collection 2000 work the colour-baby blue nail polish. Once all my nails were dry, i used a white rio nail pen to create a rough triangular shape from the tip of each nail and another one from the base of each nail. After this had dried i used a neon pink nail pen from accessorize to draw a smaller pink triangle inside each white one. Then i used a black rio nail striper to roughly outline each triangle using a series of tiny lines and create a small random shape in the middle of each triangle. I finished the design with a top coat.

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