Saturday 28 February 2015

Chinese new year nails

I know that this is a bit late, seeing as chinese new year was last week but I did some nail art for the occasion. I did a sheep as this year is the year of the sheep/goat , the symbol for sheep in chinese (or at least that is what google told me it is), flowers and an attempt at a lantern. I used mainly red and gold, because they are the colours I associate the most with chinese new year. Happy chinese new year to anybody who celebrates and I am sorry this post is so late and I haven't been posting very often! What do you think? 
                                                                            Ellena x

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Valentines minions

Sorry, it's a bit late but I have some valentines nails for you! They are valentines minions, inspired by the amazing nailstorming! I am quite pleased with the way they turned out as I like the way the different shades of pink look together plus I adore minions. What do you think?
Ellena x